1) Math/Science with Mrs. Herlihy
Mrs. Herlihy, along with Mrs. Nolan, make math fun. We loved doing the "Mr. Decimal" project! We also like going to the computer lab to do math projects and FasttMath. Mrs. Graham is our awesome computer teacher :) In science, we enjoyed doing the "By Golly, By Gum" project. We actually got to chew gum and watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! The point of the project was to measure the mass of the gum and see if it gained or lost mass. It was awesome!
2) History/ELA with Mr. Norton
In History, we have enjoyed doing many fun projects. One was the "Mayan Sacrifices" where Mr. Norton taught us all about how the Mayans worshipped their gods. Another project was "Silk Road." We learned all about how the Europeans traded gold and jewels for silk, perfume, and spices. In ELA, we did a project called "Bag Full of Me" where we got to share a little bit about ourselves with the class. We selected three items that abstractly represent our personalities and then we wrote a 5 paragraph essay about it. We have also enjoyed ePals, a combined ELA and Social Studies project. But if you are reading this, then you already know that! :)
3) Field Trips
So far this year, we have been on 3 field trips. The first one was to Wompatuck State Park. We spent the day hiking around in the woods. While we were there, we saw all kinds of plants and trees. The second field trip we took was to the NASA presentation. We learned about how the astronauts train for their space missions and we saw the food that they eat while in space. We even got to see an actual moon rock! The third field trip of the year was to the zoo. We saw lots of different animals, including ones that are endangered. It was interesting to see animals that we would not normally be able to see in our habitat.
4) Assemblies
This year at Abigail Adams, we have been fortunate to have many interesting assemblies. One of them was a "No Smoking" assembly and we got to see actual pig lungs! One set was healthy and the other set showed the effects of smoking. The set that showed smoking damage was gross! Another assembly was the Geography Bee. One student from each homeroom got to compete for the chance to go to Worcester and participate in the state Geography Bee. Our homeroom had a tie, so Troy and Liam both got to compete. We also had an assembly the day before Veteran's Day to celebrate the sacrifices veterans all over the country have made for us. We watched a video about Arlington Cemetery and sang patriotic songs. We also got to see pictures of veterans who are related to students and staff at our school. We really enjoy going to assemblies and learning about new things.
5) HN Team
Here's what we love about the HN team:
- No bully zone
- Green! (the color and recycling)
- Our teachers
- Random acts of kindness
- HN T-Shirts (coming soon!)
- The team quilt
- Hey There Neighbor
- Teamwork
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